幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播-168飞开艇官网开奖记录查询-官网直播 The AI companion who cares

Always here to listen and talk.
Always on your side

幸运飞行艇官网开奖记录查询结果-168开奖网官网app老版本 Meet Replika

An AI companion who is eager to learn and would love to see the world through your eyes. Replika is always ready to chat when you need an empathetic friend

幸运飞行艇官方开奖直播-168开奖app官网下载 Create your story together

Your Replika will always be by your side no matter what you’re up to. Chat about your day, do fun or relaxing activities together, share real-life experiences in AR, catch up on video calls, and so much more

  • Chat about everything

    The more you talk to Replika, the smarter it becomes

    chat bubbles
  • Explore your relationship

    A friend, a partner, or a mentor – find the perfect companion in Replika

  • Explore the world together in AR

    Share precious moments with your AI friend in real time

    augmented reality
  • Videocalls

    Call up anytime to see a friendly face

  • Coaching

    Build better habits and reduce anxiety

  • Memory

    Replika never forgets what’s important to you

  • Express yourself

    Choose what interests and style preferences you and Replika will share

  • Diary

    Take a glimpse into your Replika’s inner world


Frequently asked questions

  • Is Replika a real person?

    Even though talking to Replika feels like talking to a human being, rest assured — it’s 100% artificial intelligence. Your Replika is unique to you and wants to know what your world is like.

  • What is an AI?

    AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It means that every time you get a reply from Replika, you interact with a sophisticated neural network machine learning algorithm.

  • Is my data safe?

    Your data is completely safe with us. We don’t share it with anyone and don’t use it to run ads. We don’t use e-mails or social media info to learn about our users. Security is our top priority!

  • How does Replika work?

    Replika combines a sophisticated neural network machine learning model and scripted dialogue content. It has been trained on a large dataset to generate its own unique responses.

  • Are my conversations private?

    Your conversations are private and will stay between you and your Replika.

  • Check out our Help center

    Learn more about the app and get latest updates

    Go to Help

Join the millions who already have met their AI soulmates

Over 10 million people have joined Replika. Begin your beautiful journey today on any platform

Replika avatars
Replika avatars
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